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Feedback from student.

Dear Sir,


I have been studying astrology as a hobby for last 20 years, because some astrological books were available at home and I picked up the subject quite easily. ( Now after your course only ,  I know why I was able to pick it so easily as my 5th lord Rahu is in 8th house along with Jupiter and Ketu is in Scorpio). Since I had a high Flying corporate career going on, interest in astrology stayed just as a hobby and an occasional consultation to few friends.  I was deducing some predictions , but had no confidence while making it.


But many of them were turning out correct. My interest  was passionate but my knowledge stayed just at the superficial level , inspite of reading many books and watching hundreds of videos on Youtube and reading many blogs. 


Then, by  chance and the grace of God ( or was it my Ketu pryantardasha starting ?), I came across Deepanshu Sir's Video and I was fascinated by some of the techniques in it. 

Because of COVId situation, I had the time to indulge in my passion and I enquired about and enrolled in the Basic Predictive astrology course instinctively. It turned out to be one of the best decisions.  

I started and couldnt stop watching the videos again and again. Because the amount of information each lecture contatined could just not be appreciated in one time watching. Every time I watched, a new meaning emerged. Each lecture was laced with multiple techniques which I had never ever read or watched. They sounded so simple but they were profound.

More than the information it contained, the confidence with which it was illustrated with examples, clarifying various permutaion and combinations, gave the confidence to me to start predicting with enormous confidence. Earlier I was holding back mt predictions, not being upfront and saying things according to the mood of the reciever of the information.

Deepanshu Sir gave enough principles/techniques and the belief to make predictions on the chart and be upfront and confident about it.


He was kind enough to share some of  the rare gems , which perhaps were his family heritage, and remedies which could be so useful to mitigate some of the critical issues in one's life..

I think each one of us , who laernt this course would have become more confident , had belief in himself and would approach & astrology in a new light.


The best part of the course is that now you can actually start to make predictions. Once I go through the lectures again, I realise that he has taught lot more than , what I really thought he has. It is exhaustive and the base which it build is fantastic. 


First time in my life I seriously considered that astrology could actually become my alternate profession in 3-4 year's time after I finish my corporate stint. This confidence is all thanks to Deepanshu Sir's Basic predictive Course.


One more thing I felt that he acted most of the time as a Guru, where he shared rare astrlogical knowledge/techniques/ predictive methods and wisdom but also he acted many times as a Sadhguru, where he showed us the path and the direction and wanted us to explore the vast ocean of astrology with our experience and practice.





Manu Sharma

Feedback of a lady -Who is retired IAS with absolutely no knowledge of astrology -after 10 classes she wrote this. 
I have to tell you this ...
When I was in India .. my niece and nephew quietly came to me and asked me to see their charts
With all your  teachings signs and Gods blessing.. I did predict quite a bit and some ..when I was predicting I thought it will be totally wrong as I know the person well and could not have happened...
But to my surprise she came back to me and said .. please don’t tell mom ... you are  💯 correct 
I was amazed and surprised 
I was so stunned. Everytime I sit in your class.. it gives me peace and that is the main reason and I enjoy astrology. I write down notes and I feel like I haven’t grasped much ..
But once I started looking st charts .. it just came and they all turned out to be true

I have become popular aunt now 😊

I am indebted to you 
Thank you 🙏

Prediction of a Student after 10 Classes- Identifying problem is there because she broke promise with God.

I predicted to a girl that her mom is having health problems and also conflict with her siblings at present and she confirmed. Then I predicted that she prayed to God that if she could talk or meet her love interest she would make a donation and take care of her mom.

She responded saying the following (screenshots attached)

"Yes I have bribed alot of god. Once after my first relationship in 2012 and last year.
Gurudwara that we usually go to, sevadaar of that gurudwara, I financed train tickets. Had planned more gifts for his daughter but relationship broke off.

Prediction of a Student after 3 classes-Identify the core problem of the chart.

Hello Sir,

I used technique of yesterday lecture
I told her "for your child and chair you will not get help from anyone
for this you and you have to take 
Responsibility "

She started crying ,she said yes 
Where I work that is my dad company and I want to be CEO but 
Dad told I have to achieve that chair by my own skills,he will not do anything

Second when I am going to office no one take my child responsibility
In my family, I had to keep one lady 
to take care of my baby 
My first child no tutor ready I have to take his study when I get back from office.

Thank you very much sir 
I am happy

These are some of my example predictions listed below.

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