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Does it always mean that the 7th house Lord in the 6th house causes a divorce?

This was the question asked on another forum, Below is the answer-

Ok Let us start with real life examples and married life condition of people to break the myth and what it actually means.

Below is a chart of a person whose 7th lord Mars is in 6th house but is he divorced ? - NO

WHY ? - Because you can’t take a line from classics and impose on chart, Although you are right that 6th house is of dispute so can show troubled married life but as i explained earlier that promise has to be checked in D-9 chart for confirmation.

6th house is also of Routine Job, Hospital, Money lenders- The wife of this particular native works in a hospital and has critical job of maintaining person’s heart beat while doctors operate on patient.

6th house rises in Pushkar bhaga so became beneficial instead of malefic.

7th lord is in Nakshtra of Rahu which is a friendly planet for lagna.

Bhagya Lord Saturn is in 7th house shows -Rise after marriage.

Sun although not welcome in 7th house but being a lord of daghda Rasi it became benefic here with Saturn.

Sun Sat combo in 6th, 7th and 9th house is a beneficial.

Still this is rasi chart for complete story please go to D-9 and analyse for promise made in D-1 is going to be true or not.

Hope it helps-

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